Llamado a entrenadores para que estén Anuentes cuales son las exigencias para la clasificación a los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud de Nanjing 2014.
GAF - Atletas nacidos en el año 1999
GAM - Atletas Nacidos en los años 1997-1998
Próximamente se establecerán las bases para escoger los atletas que pudieran representar a Panamá en las eliminatorias a Realizarse el Próximo 2013. Debemos desde ya empezar la preparación si es que Panamá aspirar a uno de los 8 o 9 cupos para América.
Les solicito encarecidamente que nos envíen sus listados de atletas que pudieran intentar optar.
Cordial Saludo,
To the attention of:
- The FIG Authorities;
- The affiliated / associated Federations;
- The Continental Unions.
Lausanne (SUI) / FIG Office, September 07, 2012.
Qualification System for the 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing 2014 decided by the the IOC Executive Board
Dear Presidents, and Dear Members of the FIG Authorities,
For your information, please find attached the qualification system for the 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing 2014 decided by the IOC Executive Board and as distributed by the IOC to all NOC's.
As you can see, the main changes - both very positive - are that RG Groups shall now consist of 5 gymnasts and that the number of universality places has been considerably reduced.
The FIG shall now adapt its own rules for the Youth Olympic Games accordingly. The final document will be decided at the forthcoming Executive Committee meeting in Cancun and published to you in November.
Thank you for your attention and kind regards.
André F. GUEISBUHLER, Secretary General.
YOG 14 - Qualification System-e
About the FIG: The International Gymnastics Federation is the governing body for gymnastics worldwide. It is the oldest established international sports federation and has participated in the Olympic Games since their revival in 1896. The FIG governs seven disciplines: Gymnastics for All, Men's Artistic, Women's Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline, Aerobic and Acrobatic. It counts 130 national affiliated federations and boasts a 25-person staff at its international seat in Lausanne (SUI), host city of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
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